Once Lizzy and I agreed that fuel was a good thing, I needed to turn my attention to what I really need to be road legal. Knowing my speed would be nice. Neither the speedometer or the odometer ever worked for me. I also needed mirrors, blinking lights, new tires and and inspection but that is getting ahead of myself. One thing at a time. Gabe and I took the speedo unit off and tried to find where the problem was.

Someone recommended Coopers Salvage in Franklin NH

Coopers had crates of speedos! Crates! I got to pick one with a trip meter! FYI a speedo should read ~20mph when you spin it with a typical hand drill at top speed in reverse.

They also hooked me up with a new speedo cable and two (mismatched mirrors) and a new 6V relay to get my lights to blink (not just turn on).
Coopers was an experience. When was the last time you were in a room with this many carburetors?

Dang didly!

There is the new (old) guy installed with the new cable. I snugged those mirrors on and hooked up my new relay and I was ready to hit the road. (Yeah I know I need an inspection ... working on it! Really, I will try after I get new tires!) I went out on real roads for the first time on a 17 mile joy ride! And oh the joy!

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