I decided after I commuted into work for the first time and hit blazing speeds up to 55mph, that I shouldn't be repeating the speed-racer moves with a front tire that goes flat by the end of the day and a rear tire that has cracks all in it. I ordered some tires from Depot Honda here on the NH seacoast and got to work.
Getting the wheel off was interesting. I used a jack under the engine (green thing in picture above). It only took dropping the bike one time before I lashed it to a pole. Scared the shit out of me when it happened. Poor Lizzy. Bad Mommy.
Gabriel and I watched You Tube videos of how to change a tire. Most of them were bunk. We really liked the one of the guy at the dealership who was like "Take the tire. Deflate it. Then put it on the tire changing machine." Um, why are you posting this dude? Not exactly DIY.
I used cut up milk cartons under the irons, because I was worried about scratching the wheel. It came off OK. But the new tire that we ordered from the *dealership* didn't even fit between the fork. Awesome.
My front tire was fine so I just replaced the tube - because that was totally f-ed up. Totally. It had 4 ---- FOUR ---- patches on it. Really, Mr. Previous Owner ( and I know you were a man because no woman would be this stupid) is a $8 tube too much to spend, to put your life on?

Yeah I know it should be obvious - but still! Ouch! I was so grumpy I had to yell at Gabe even though he was across the yard when it happened.
I measured the drum ID and looked at the pads. They were OK - not great, but OK. I made sure their surfaces were clean (dry brush only) and free of oil/grease. Before putting it all together.

The new tube holds air and the old tire looks OK.
For future reference small bike folk out there - go to smalltires.com to find the freaking old things that are impossible to find elsewhere. I learned that from the cb125 yahoo group - a little too late.
Next - the rear tire. I shake with fear.
Nice sweatshirt. Did you cut your hair again? ;) Miss you xox