It all starts - as it should - with the Blue Angels!!!! Yeah Baby!

What a great reason to assemble the gang and watch the airshow from the yard, while enjoying some yummy BBQ goodness!

Things didn't stay high-brow for long. Rolf and Claudiene, Meryl and Marco, & Krissy and Newton were in the house and they wanted entertainment of the Lizzy variety. After listening to the sound of freedom (thank you Angels!), it was time to listen to some beautiful OHC Single purr. But first - the thing I have been *dreading*...(drum roll)... changing the rear tire!

Marco is looking a little bored here holding the girl up, while Newton and I are looking at the rear of the bike. Newton, the crazy viking bastard, is all about wrenching first and asking questions later. Seriously, he tore into the job. Shocks in the way? Take them off. Extra nuts? Who needs them.

I must say his fashion of sandals and blue socks entertained all, as did the wife-beater cape combo. They lined the seats up around the bike and watched us work. Gabriel and Rolf worked on the rear tail light that wasn't flashing and cured the problem by removing the seat, unplugging the wire - having a drink - plugging it back in and voila! (Should I mention the other tail light mysteriously stopped working after that point? Nawhh, that would just be mean and belittle their accomplishment!)
Seriously, it was an epic day. I haven't had that much fun in eons. Or laughed that much. It was a wicked decent day.
Go speed racer :)