A few Saturdays ago Chrissy's man, Newton, came by to help me out. I prefer to call Newton the Viking because he is a huge man of Scandinavian decent that should be wearing a horned helmet and conquering parts of Europe. Anyway - besides being a beast, he is a motorcycle wiz and he also owns a KTM that makes me seriously jealous. Sorry Lizzy, it is true.
The viking came equipped with tons of tools, which was very nice. And yes they do make bent feeler gauges! Imagine my excitement!
I cleaned my first petcock (restraining myself from making dirty jokes here) - the thing that turns the fuel on or off on the base of the tank and slightly filters it. It had a huge booger in it. Nasty. I replaced the gaskets while I was at it.

Then it was time to adjust the breaker gap. It was hard to decide when it was open to its greatest extent, but I just winged it. Turns out it was *way* too big. So that was dialed down. I need to check the timing now... another thing on the "to do" list. Changed another gasket. Keeping this girl in gaskets isn't cheap!

Next I got to play with the compression tester Gabriel bought me. Thanks honey! Big sloppy kiss for you... I did a compression test with the engine cold (yeah I know it should be hot - maybe next time I will do it right) and got 150psi which is a bit lower than the allowed range 153-187psi. That's not bad, right? She is old. And I really, really want to ride this summer and not hone my cylinder and piss with my rings. Am I lazy?

At long last - the carb was in, the engine kind-of tuned, and the tank and seat put back on. Took a few kicks and she turned over. Beautiful sound! That is me sliding my motorcycle license into my back pocket.

The Viking and the Ox followed me down the street and watched me zip around and blaze up and down the block. Lightning quick. Gabe took the best picture ever of me and the Viking - it is so good, it is getting its own post. The tune up worked wonders, but Lizzy is still having some problems. If everything worked the first time, I wouldn't have anything to blog about, right?
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