So boys have there uses - I'll admit it. And my guy came home this week with a little present for his wife (always a good call). Roses? Candy? I think not. Impact driver and a compression tester - hell yeah. Gabriel really is an angel. Saturday we wheeled Lizzy out and went after those offending bolts that caused me so much angst (see the F*&$ers above). Bolts... meet my new BFF - the impact driver, and our other little friend, the leather hammer.

Freaking awesome. They came out after a good couple of whacks - which is also good for venting anger (better the bolts than the garage door, yes lesson learned).
Let's recap:
What doesn't work on stuck/ bunged bolts - power words, spit, blood, or any other bodily fluid... I am not saying how many I used.
What sometimes works - a rubber band over the tip of the screwdriver (if the slots are not totally bunged)
What really works - WD40 and an impact driver ( I heart you!!)

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