Yeah, I ditched work on Friday. I just couldn't wait any longer to see my beautiful baby. My friend Meryl was kind/crazy enough to loan me her truck and her time to make the two hour trip north and back to pick up the bike. On the way up, we stopped by Krissy's house - and this is where I dropped the greatest idea of all time. Really. Since Krissy, Meryl and I took the NH bike class together last year and got our motorcycle licenses - I thought it would be awesome for our chick biker gang to show up at motorcycle week this year in Laconia. Can you believe I got resistance!!! Unbelievable. I think this is an epic idea. There is still time, and I am great at wearing people down. Just ask my husband.
Opening those garage doors and seeing my little green bike for the first time was wonderous. Meryl videoed my resulting squeals and squeaks. My other friend Rolf (who was gracious enough to put the bike in his garage) ditched work for a bit to come by and help me start her up for the first time. Now, I have never seen a kick-starter before. So I couldn't help myself from giggling like a tween who just got Rob Pattinson's autograph when I kicked down and the bike sputtered for the first time.
Something like 50 kicks later and a lot of sweat, I got it going. I went down the road and back, getting into second gear! I stalled out because the little girl doesn't idle all that well. We will work on that. In fact, the list for new projects is a bit daunting. But all I have to do is say four little words and I feel all better...
I own a motorcycle!
Hot damn.

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