Saturday was a big day for both the bike and me. I have never changed the oil in anything myself. Add it - yes. Change it - no. But I just knew in my bones that "Lizzy" (the bike's temporary name) hadn't been given too much attention in recent years. Armed with my Clymer service manual (Honda 100-350 OHC Singles 1969-1982) I felt confident. Sort of.
First things first. Lizzy had to get warm and up to operating temperature. I wanted all that crap that is in the oil to be in suspension when drained out - not just chillin' in the bottom of the crankcase ready to foul up the next quart. So I had to get her started. My right leg is a *bit* sore now.
Rolf was came down to visit for the weekend and between him, my chubby hubby, and myself we finally got her going. Rolf and Gabe (hubby) quickly rode down the street on bicycles scouting for cops and called me when the coast was clear (no plate yet!!). I went down the street a bit and played around in a parking lot and then went back home. I got to 4th gear! And... this is the most exciting part....
On the way back home, I passed two Harley's going in the opposite direction and I freaking did the biker wave! My first one! The dude wasn't as excited as I was but he returned the gesture! I am in like Flynn.
Anyway I came back and quickly changed the oil and cleaned the oil pump filter screen. It wasn't as bad as the Exxon Valdez disaster but let's just say I kind of kicked over the oil pan (a little). Yeah so there was some lessons learned. Next time I doing this over a tarp. Lizzy's rockin' the good synthetic stuff now.
I must say I was a little distressed looking at the drain pan. It shouldn't bring back memories of panning for gold... there were a few small metal chunks in the extremely black and hot goo at the bottom. Poor girl. As for where the chunks came from - I dunno. But she is in more loving hands now.