After I got back from Austria, Lizzy decided to take sulking to a new level. She won't start anymore. Both Gabe and I couldn't walk for trying to kick her over so much. I have only a few ideas left. One was replacing the condenser (really old word for capacitor that for some reason hasn't kept up with the times). The other was to check out the timing. The condenser was easy. But it didn't work at all.
We pulled the plug and I held it against the engine fins while Gabriel kicked it over. She has spark, so I don't think that is the problem. What *was* the problem was that Gabe didn't *listen* to me when I said 'enough' and kicked over after I pulled the plug off the fins (of course my hand was wrapped around the part that is supposed to be grounded). Well it found a way back to the bike through both my arms and Gabe's sweaty leg (which I was holding onto with the other hand, belatedly trying to stop his kick). Fellas - you want to be on the wife's good side? Yeah? Here is some advice...
Start by *not* putting thousands of volts across her body. That will increase your chances.
At least he got zapped too.
Anywho - I have spark; I have fuel and air (plug was wet when pulled); I even checked the compression (150psi). What is wrong with my baby? I am starting to feel out of my depth...
I even asked the Honda dealership *if* I brought it in 'would they let me watch and learn?'
The answer? "The guys don't want you back there."
Nice. Far be it for me to make guys feel uncomfortable.
So any ideas out there?